Becky Raisman Returns With A New EP Release

The latest EP release from Becky Raisman comes through with a powerful sense of enlightenment and self-awareness that speaks volumes for her character and lets the whole thing become quite addicting from the get-go.
The Warrior EP indeed lets Becky's style flourish and we have had the pleasure of reviewing and listening to some of her previous material and can definitely tell you that this is a great step in her evolution as a songwriter and probably as a person as well.
Some of the lyrics on this release get really detailed and paint some vivid pictures for you to actually see in your head while you're listening to the tracks and other ones stand from a more emotionally driven point of view but either way these tracks were produced really well and have a blend of pop and even hip hop infused with other textures and tones to make this very unique and very colorful with just little hints of edginess at times.
I think one of the things that really pushed this record past certain boundaries is the way that the vocals are tracked out over the music because it's such a great blend of genres that it crosses those boundaries seamlessly and the vocals add a certain tonality over the beats that make things surprisingly smooth.
I feel like some of this EP was cathartic for her to talk about and release and maybe some of this stuff was emotion and feeling that she had to get off her chest and this was the best way she knew how.
Either way definitely works and does a lot for the artist and her persona which is something you don't get a lot when it comes to music of any genre so to hear it now is great.
I love the direction that Becky is going with this EP and it's been an absolute pleasure to actually listen to and watch her evolve musically over the past few years as we can tell that there is a lot of authenticity to what she releases.
These songs come from someplace real and when she releases them it probably feels awesome to finally have those things out in the open.
I'm definitely a fan of any kind of music that has that genuine approach and this was beautifully done while still remaining catchy and fresh.
There is warmth to some of these songs but really that has more to do with the lyrical content than with the music because the music has more sharp edges and more inventive and ultra-creative production aspects that let this record be its own atmosphere.
There was definitely a lot of attention to the details when it came to the production of this record and the recording of it, but it never loses that purpose or that character the entire time and I think that may just be the most important aspect of the whole thing.
We need music with character and with purpose and Becky Raisman has been delivering this for a while but this EP is showing us that she's at the top of her game.
Check this one out as soon as you get a chance. If I had to rate it, I would give it a 9 out of 10 easy.