An Interview With Bethan Lloyd

A brand new album release from Bethan Lloyd creates an astounding soundscape with textures that blend and morph into each other as it all builds an atmosphere that you can truly be engulfed by.
The Metamorphosis album is as addictive and alluring as it is experimental and outside the box as the artist shines with intense character and an impactful presence.
Each one of these songs has the ability to stand on its own two legs but listening to the album as whole is the real way to soak this record in.
At times it feels as if it's a concept record as the songs do seem to interconnect in different ways.
The artist's performance and delivery on this record is intense and at times can leave you in awe as she utilizes her vocals like an instrument to make the songs incredibly lush and full-bodied.
This Record has a mass amount of edgy undertones that peek through constantly and the record has an amazing way of taking you away to a different place altogether.
It wraps itself around you and keeps you right where it wants to and while it does so, it lets you escape.
I think it's really important to have albums that let you escape like this because certain music is an actual form of escapism if it's done right like it is here.
The production of this release definitely consisted of an outstanding attention to detail and there are loads of surprises beyond the different corners of this record.
This is a sort of cross between an experimental and alternative pop with hints of classic industrial, and a dream pop sort of electronica that all gets melted into one massive sound.
Throughout the record you also get a feel for some of the personal approaches that Bethan utilizes as she does get quite honest with the lyrics and it seems like she's letting out stuff that she needed to and maybe creating this record was something that was incredibly cathartic for her.
Some of the melodies and hooks across the release are astounding and a lot of this record just lets you get washed away with everything which feels great.
There are several music videos attached to the album's singles which also show even more of the artist's character and presence.
There are things about this record that feel a touch groundbreaking and enough to push the envelope ever so slightly to be able to create something with less boundaries than normal.
This is exactly what we need in music right now.
With the release of such a wonderfully woven record, we wanted to have a sit down with Bethan Lloyd to find out where this all came from and what might be next for the artist.
Here's what happened.
TSWS: Okay, let's start the Metamorphosis album This record was unique and lush with outstanding vocals and synth work! How did this album come about?
I wrote much of this album in nature and in places of outstanding beauty. The songs were originally birthed with just voice, looper and effects. I then went on to craft these explorations into songs and with the help of my Pre-Human bandmate Isaac Ray produced them into what you hear today.
TSWS: How did this all start for you as an artist? When did you fall in love with music?
I have been singing since I was tiny. Growing up in Wales the voice is celebrated and I was lucky enough to have some incredible teachers to guide me on my way. I started writing many years later but had always loved all kinds of music from Folk to Noise. My vision was to draw together all the different kinds of music I love and I hope that is what I managed to achieve in Metamorphosis!
TSWS: What kind of things really inspire songs for you?
I am really inspired by nature and by magic and the unseen realms. I studied Theology and Religious studies at University so spirituality has always been something I have been interested in both academically and personally and this definitely seeps into my music and how I chose to express myself.
TSWS: This album has some great styles combinations on it! Can you give us some of your biggest influences musically?
I grew up singing classically and in choirs so my love of harmony came from there. I am also a lover of traditional folk which weaves its way into the music. But of course beyond that I also really love some heavier music like noise and drone. The experimental hip hop artists Death Grips were also ringing in my ears when I made this album as well as Isaac Ray's deep love of Nine Inch Nails!
TSWS: What are you doing when you're NOT working on music?
I spend a lot of time walking in nature, up mountains and swimming in lakes! I love to spend time with friends and family dancing, singing and playing. I am, like I said, really into spiritual practice from meditation to magic and this is something I really love to explore both alone and with friends.
TSWS: Who's in your headphones right now?
I just finished teaching on a voice retreat for 2 weeks with SoundingBody where we were creating original pieces as a group for the entire time. One of the albums being played on the retreat was Terje Isungset - he makes music with ice and snow and these stunning ambient experimental pieces which invoke so much otherworldly imagery.
TSWS: Are you doing any live performances right now?
Yes, I will be performing at Focus Wales on the Under the Radar stage, at Medicine Festival, Green Gathering Festival and at Glastonbury. I will also be performing a lot with my band Pre-Human.
TSWS: What kind of recording set up do you have to create a track like this?
Between me and Isaac we had a couple of Elektron Octatrack samplers, an Aturia Drum Brute, the Korg Minologue and the Roland looper.
TSWS: The video for "Parasitic Yes" was so cool! Did you do that yourself as well?
I did it in conjunction with amazing brother and sister team Will and Holly Barnard shot in a forest just outside Berlin.
TSWS: What can your fans expect from you in the near future?
I will be coming out with a lot more music with my band Pre-Human this year. My solo project has become slightly more minimal, more droney and more experimental! I am hoping to have another solo project out within the year
TSWS: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
Thanks so much listening and supporting my music. I hope you love the album as much as I do and there will be lots lots more where that is coming from very soon!