Blaming Bad Drop A Killer Heavy Rock Single

A recent single release from Blaming Bad comes through with a soiree and combination of rock genres that bring elements of progressive, punk, alternative, and more, all rolled into one big track that goes through these changes that surprise you when they come up the first time and this gives the track and outside-the-box arrangement.
"Past and Today" is a track that hits pretty hard when it wants to but those changes are something different. You don't expect them and when they come along, just as you get used to them, they change again.
I love this approach because it leaves nothing to the imagination. It speaks volumes for the band and how they can construct a song that has familiarities to it but is certainly done with fewer boundaries than you might be used to.
You get these really edgy tones and also sort of emotional riffs in there too that bring a mood for certain sections of the song. The entire thing has a little bit of darkness to it, but it also has a light at the end of the tunnel and a semi-anthemic feel.
You get these elements of 90s underground alternative rock in there and vocally I'm reminded of bands like Pavement.
This is such a great combination of approaches all in one and it does create an atmosphere that lets the band have their own vibe.
The other thing that hit me about this song, in a particular way, was the energy level. It almost feels like these guys recorded this whole thing live in the moment and they are sort of feeding off of each other.
Those energies fluctuate and sometimes you can only get that sort of thing with a live performance so, maybe they did record this live on the floor to an extent.
Either way, after listening to this track you definitely want to go see them perform it live because if you can capture this kind of arrangement and energy so well on record, then seeing it live must be outstanding.
There was plenty of attention to detail during the creation and composition of this song without question; however, it also has a certain character attached to it that sticks strongly throughout the song's course. This may be the most important aspect of the entire thing.
If I haven't said it already, the guitar work is through the roof on this one. Great changes and inventive riffs that set these different moods throughout the track but they all have that same kind of personality attached to them.
The drumming is intense a lot of the time but also fluctuates in intensity as the song changes as well.
This song indeed does have waves of intensity that come and go and it lets it feel alive and breathing in its own way.
You get hints of heavier musical influences in there, but it's nothing overtaking. This is a punk track that blends into progressive and melodic tonalities and approaches which feel inspired by alternative rock a lot of the time.
I also adore how the guitars are layered. A lot of times there are two or three guitar tracks, or at least it sounds that way, layered on top of each other and you get into different sorts of grooves when that happens.
At times these guitars bounce off of each other rhythmically.
It's a very lush track and it feels full-bodied and impactful in a bunch of different ways.
The vocal approach is completely comforting for me. Again it sounds like a bit of everything, but you can definitely hear the honesty and the portrayal and performance so, it's something you end up again, getting attached to honestly.
Everything about this track has an element of surprise to it. From the arrangement, guitar work, the vocal approach, everything just has something that surprises you the first time around and I love that about a song because it keeps you on your toes.
When this is over you want to listen to it again right away so you can catch everything again.
This was a very cool and avant-garde sort of heavy rock banger and it was incredibly inventive and crafted by a band who loves doing what they do purely as a passion project.
After you dive into this track I would certainly check out their previous release which is an album called Certainly an Unfair Life Should End Happily.
This whole record is quite a ride as well.
I certainly love the direction they're going in right now and can't wait to hear whatever may be on its way from these guys.
Don't just take my word for it though, check this out now.