If you're not super familiar with Buddha Boy AKA Bodhi then let us bring you up to date as the artist has recently released an album by the name of Children Of The Sun and it has a vibrant and culturally widespread sound.
The LP release has an immense feel and approach along with an electric energy that at times, feels almost like watching a live performance.
The album spans more than a few different styles of hip-hop while it mixes other subgenres throughout the record.
There is something graceful yet unfiltered about this album and that's part of why it has such an infectiousness to it.
After a few songs you begin to realize that a lot of these tracks come from someplace real and are very genuine and their meaning.
"All of the songs are personal. They are about my experience throughout the years of traveling. This record contains my reflection on things that all conscious people face every day of their lives: protest against injustice, falling in love, seeking the truth, fighting for human rights, and at the same time remaining positive, peaceful, and spiritual, ranging from rough rap lines to mellow dreamy vocals" - Buddha Boy
This was a bit rejuvenating and there is a certain level of spirituality that exudes from the album and from the artist himself.
This is a record with a bit of a deeper meaning especially for the artist but whoever's listening to it will certainly be able to relate to a lot of what's going on as well in their own particular way.
Jump into this record right now, it's one of the best things you can do for yourself at the given moment.
This is an avant guard release that comes through exactly the way it was meant to.