The Feel Good Hip Hop Vibes Of Charlie J.
A fresh banger from Charlie J brings a bright and colorful swing to hip-hop with a heavy hitting beat and some wonderfully blended vocal hooks to go along with a killer energy and style.
"Loved" is a total blast from start to finish and comes through with a youthful approach and a shine to it that's tough to beat.
This track has swagger and tons of character but most of all, it has heart.
You can feel the sunshine hitting your face on a warm summer day just by listening to the chorus of this song.
The flow is fun and unstoppable throughout the song's course and as it goes on there are more and more production additions that peel in and give this song even more life.
This single has a massively positive vibe and boasts a refreshing radio friendly tone that becomes quickly infectious and as soon as it's over, you want to show your friends.
This is the kind of track that makes you get up and start moving, sing along, clap and dance, and it all just makes you feel good.
It's been a bit since a song made you feel good like this and it comes right when it's needed.
I think we all just "wanna be loved" as Charlie J. joyously expresses in the song, and this really brings that to light.
"Loved" has a nearly perfect tonality that crosses several pop and even dance genres with its hip-hop roots and the approach really works incredibly well.
An addictive and bountiful song, "Loved" should be the first thing you listen to in the morning. It'll set the tone just right for the day.
You can't go wrong with this single.