Chris Adkins Drops A Full Length Record

The new record from Chris Adkins is one for the books as it gives us such a warm set of feelings that are derived from how these songs were created.
Chris is able to make gigantic harmonies with his voice alone and in doing so he takes a song that is a neo-folk kind of tone and makes it into something a little different.
The artist is a natural in terms of songwriting as these tracks feel familiar in different ways as you go through the album and with each song that comes up you are able to take in that different emotion or different feeling that comes along with it.
You have acoustic and electric guitars throughout the record but it is largely a singer-songwriter release and it's done with such an ear for perfection but still keeps all the emotions where they should be so you can understand where he's coming from in the song.
Really a beautiful sound coming from Chris Adkins and we definitely hope to hear more from him in the future as we can tell there's something driving him to create the songs he does.
When you get a chance, check out the album called A Fox in the Hen House and I would suggest starting with "Ghost!" as it gives a great example of what you can expect from a lot of the songs from the record.
Really an incredible set of songs.