A New Single From DNJNBBY Crosses Genres
A brand new single release from DNJNBBY delivers a vast and flowing pop atmosphere that comes with hints of dance, and even house at times but blends a nearly perfect color with edginess and it all plays out with a charm.
"see u cry" also both elements of R&B especially vocally and the delivery in terms of the singing is incredible and comes with a little hint of emotional backbone and drive but you can tell this also comes from someplace honest as well and that's something that I really adore about the track.
What's more is the blend of old and new school Vibes that you hear across the single and how it sort of sways as it flows in a forward moving fashion so that it keeps to an almost dream pop effect which to me, is amazing because the artist is taking all these different influences and using them in one song so that you have a track that bends genres at free will and I feel like that's part of what the future of pop is all about.
You certainly have classic dance pop synths and keys along with pads that float around in the songs either giving it that boisterous atmosphere and all of this is something that you end up falling right into and flowing right along with.
This is a very radio friendly track and the way that it blends a current club kind of feel with a classic 90s R&B and dance tonality is something quite special and helps the whole persona of the song shine through and right alongside that, you have a really great presence from her as an artist in general.
This is a track you could definitely jam too and after listening to the song I had to listen to a few more releases and I'm glad that I did because she does have two other singles released recently that show a little bit of a different side to her personality along with her songwriting approach.
The cool thing is the other songs also keep to that ambient undertone that you hear in all the songs and this is something that makes the tracks all feel much bigger and produced super well.
Some are blatantly honest again which I love, and others come across harder hitting and edgier with deeper and rougher synths and each of these are alluring, they can be sensual, sultry, and addictive.
DNJNBBY seems to cover a lot of bases with her releases and I certainly look forward to whatever else comes next and I do have a feeling there's going to be plenty to come this year.
Check this track out when you can and then take a little bit of a swim through her previous singles because you certainly won't be disappointed there either.