The Bright Alt-Pop Of Eoghan Moylan

The latest from Eoghan Moylan is a fun and upswing pop song with alternative undertones and some killer edginess to go right alongside that super catchiness of the entire thing.
"All I Want Is Money" is packed with hooks both musical and vocally and it's endlessly danceable, boasts soul, and even touches on a sort of retro undertone at tones.
This single has a colorful and vibrant feel to it and Moylan performs with heart as the beat bopps on in true pop format keys and synth pads fill the space and create an atmosphere until the guitars come in and bring that rock sound into play. It's subtle but tasteful as hell.
There's also horns in the main hook and it all comes wrapped in a polish and sheen that makes it professional grade and there's no way you will be able to not dance to this single.
You'll be bopping your head, then shaking your ass, then dancing around and singing along to the chorus "All I want is money, money"
This was quite refreshing and it was a great combination of pop styles that utilizes loads of textures layered atop each other and that beat was classic feeling too.
This single is the mark of an artist we should be looking out for.
It has heart, soul, pop sensibility, and production that fits perfectly.
There's also a charm to this single. It has an addictive aspect about it that makes it just straight charming.
This is a song to welcome the summer!