A progressive and fresh new release from Fake Plastic Heads delivers an expansive and cinematic soundscape that has a subtle but forward-moving flow while incorporating hints of edginess and aggression and its undertone and through it all, it builds an atmosphere that you end up getting soaked up into.
"Coffee Yes Please" incorporates a beautiful mixture of natural and digital instrumentation with a beat that borders on alternative pop, a little bit of jungle, and Industrial but with guitars that have a delay on them and create that vastness in the song's underbelly along with a lot of other textures, keys, and since that all add and build into the songs smooth but robust feel.
Throughout the track, you have these little elements of escapism and the song does indeed pull you away from wherever you are and put you in this different place, especially by the time you get about halfway through it.
This is something that I find very refreshing along with the song's natural kind of flow.
This blending of textures and layers really works well for the track so that it keeps that progressive overtone and sort of swims around in the air that surrounds you. This is a brilliant approach that again, does lean on that cinematic backbone but it also incorporates such an amazing variety of genres.
I find it very intriguing because it makes you wonder what kind of music influenced this project and I feel like this is the kind of song and the kind of music that is created purely for the sake of creating it.
This track is kind of like reading a good book. Or at least a chapter in a good book. You have something that drives your mind and so when you listen to the song all kinds of things can pop into your head but when they do they become vivid.
I love music that creates that sort of random connection.
This is a great example of an artist who is creating music that has fewer boundaries than you may be used to and I love this factor because it leaves a little bit more element of surprise.
This is something we desperately need in music especially these days because so much of it is incredibly cookie-cutter.
Some of the notes and just general vibes of this track make you think of a horror movie at times and there's a little bit of tension in it which I think attributes to that whole horror movie vibe in general.
I think this is meant to express a certain level of tension and it's done with a bit of an expansive tonality so that there are worlds that are built and situations that happen in your head while you listen to it.
The best part about this is that each person will have a different situation whenever they listen to this track.
As I mentioned earlier, it's like reading a chapter in a good book because it guides you and gives you an emotion or a feeling by the use of music and soundscape but it leaves enough room for your imagination as well and so it's up to you where that takes you.
The song is most certainly the driver though.
This was a little outside the box and experimental which is one of my favorite aspects about it. Just being able to listen to this song let me know I can expect some of the unexpected by diving through the rest of the back catalog from this project. And I was 100% right because upon listening to more releases from this project, believe me, there are plenty, and it is experimental, very beautiful, graceful, edgy, charismatic, and again insanely cinematic.
This is a beautiful form of musical expression that rarely gets to be heard in this form.
Not only do I suggest listening to this single but I also suggest driving through the Fake Plastic Heads back catalog on Spotify especially because there are full-length albums to swim through.
You could actually spend your entire day doing this.
So what are you waiting for? Put on some headphones on, do what you're doing, and listen to this music.
See how it affects you because I'm sure it will.