Gargantura Drop A Massive EP

A new release from Gargantura brings out a righteous end wild combination of melodic and thrash metal, hardcore, a little death metal, and a ton more all just rolled up into one fat EP that hits massively hard and comes with an intense sonic drive the entire time.
The Primary Pulse EP has these layers to it in a way and a lot of it comes from these outstanding and inventive guitar performances that come through with fierce and fiery riffs backed by intense and blistering drumming.
One of my favorite aspects about this record is how they blend all these soundscapes and genres as well so it's not just one thing.
You can't just say this is a metal record.
There is even an element of alternative rock on some of these tracks.
That's part of what makes this so full-bodied and so much fun. The first track alone called "Behind the Beyond" has this great rift to it that it starts right off with and then another guitar part and bass line that bounce off of that in a way.
There's a lot of attention to detail during the creation of this record but the whole thing has this push behind it that's got a level of heart to it that also shows the passion that these guys have for what they're doing.
There is so much going on even just guitar-wise that you really have to sit back and soak it in but it also has a ton of energy so you kind of want to head bang or jump around the room to it as well.
Certain tracks also bear a vastness in their undertone which makes the songs feel expansive and progressive.
There's just a ton happening and it really hits perfectly because you can tell that this is a band who has a real love for their craft.
When I say that I don't just mean playing instruments or singing, I mean writing songs together so they can create something massive.
The same goes for the vocals. The vocals have layers and can come through with singing and powerful melodic vocals that bring a sort of anthemic undertone to some of the tracks and some of them blend that element with fierce screaming as well.
As I mentioned earlier you do get part death metal, part thrash metal, but there are some awesome layers that you can peel back throughout this record.
These guys are incredibly tight and it's amazing to hear a band this type perform such a relentlessly fiery set of songs.
The riffs are intense. The second track called "Torment" has this dive-bomb kind of riff and it's just really cool to listen to. they are wild and outside the box just enough that it really can catch your attention from across the room.
I thoroughly enjoyed this record and if you're someone who loves hard-hitting metal of any style, you're going to fall right in love with this because it covers so much ground in 16 minutes that it's going to blow you away.
This is a record that's got more to it than you would expect and it's also released with fewer boundaries than the norm. Even for metal.
But don't just take my word for it, have listened to this record and be sure and listen to the entire thing through.
It's a great escape and really gets your blood pumping and crazy ways.
Guitar players are going to absolutely love the heck out of this thing because it's so crazy guitar wise and this is a band that works together to create something special.
Most certainly don't be afraid to turn it nice and Loud because it sounds even better that way.
These are head bang and mosh pit worthy bangers that hit with a robust metal palette.
Dive into this one right now.