An Interview With Georgia Carter

A fresh single from Georgia Carter is an absolutely fun and colorfully edgy and quirky gritty rock banger that showcases this artists incredible sense of humor and ability to spin it into song that takes you on a full journey and it comes through as a soiree of good times and rolling bass lines and twangy fuzztone guitar riffs to go along with soulful alternative vocals.
"Loose" is a blast from start to finish and you get such a good feel for Georgia as a character on this track that it's outstanding.
You certainly haven't heard much like this before and we mean that in a good way. This track is boundless and shows a fierceness rarely seen.
It's youthful energy is accompanied with her shine and it's all got a smart and stylish songwriting style.
It's refreshing to have an artist come through with so much attitude and character and really just nail it like this.
She also has quite a lush array of music released since 2019 and it varies and grows as she does along the way.
But there are a lot of gorgeous songs she has released that are quite surprising to hear after hearing "Loose".
But it's nice. She's got it all and she puts herself out there the way she should.
It's totally freeing to listen to her songs and you start to feel attached to them and to her in a way.
This is an artist to look out for simply for her free form of creative songwriting. It's just excellent. She has her own gracefulness. Her own brand of everything.
With the release of "Loose" we wanted to touch base with the beautiful songwriter to find out where she comes up with her stuff and what may be next.
Here's what happened.
TSWS: Okay so let's start with "Loose". This single has a great energy and a cross genre feel to it! Where did this track come from?
I wrote Loose spontaneously actually! I wasn’t planning on doing anything for a few weeks, then on a random night at about 10pm I got the main riff going in my head, and the words just came with it. It tells a story of a party I went to a few months before, I won’t ever forget that party for many reasons. It was a strange night, everyone was celebrating bud pretty much about nothing? It was hilarious and confusing but it made perfect songwriting material.
TSWS: I'm hearing some great styles on this release. Who are some of your biggest musical influences?
For this song in particular it was GIRLI, the overall style. My biggest influences in music are Amy Winehouse and Muse, which you can hear in some of the instrumental details. The Beatles are a classic for me, my harmonies are derived a lot from that. Alongside The Prodigy - I grew up listening to them - my experimental production sound stems from their tracks.
TSWS: So how did this all begin for you really? When did you fall in love with making music?
I was constantly listening to music as a baby, toddler and child. When I was 7 I took up the cello and fell in love with it. This led to piano, and various other instruments. In terms of singing I’ve always done it, it’s a natural thing I’ve always found euphoria in. When I was 15 I went into a studio as an artist and realised my love for production. I got a GCSE and A Level in Music and I’m now onto university studying Music Production. I can’t quite explain what it is but I can’t seem to get enough music in my life. I’m always searching for more to listen to, read about, make.
TSWS: What's next for you as an artist?
Oh that’s a tough one. I’ll be releasing singles, EPs, maybe an album. Towards the end of the year I’m planning of compile the singles I’ve released this year into its own EP - a little like a musical journey through my year. I’m planning to do much more gigging from now to the end of the year. Getting into producing for other artists is something to expect from me in the coming future. Alongside this, I’m writing a book which will be published once it’s finished - I’m aiming for the end of this year.
TSWS: What inspires you to write a song?
Inspiration is an odd thing for me. It could be something completely random like a TV show or something I see on a walk. I can never sit and tell myself to write, it always comes naturally. Sometimes I’ll be just about to fall asleep and a song will come into my head and I have to get up and complete it then and there, other times I get them in dreams and wake up to write them.
TSWS: What are you doing when you're NOT working on music?
When I’m not working on music I’m reading - I’m a massive bookworm. Other than that I spend most of my free time out with friends or writing poetry, or my book. I love learning, I’m the sort of person who can’t not be learning something new everyday. This doesn’t even need to be music related - it can be psychology, history, or anything else I want to know more about. One of my main things in life is that I want to learn as much as I can. I find life intriguing in all ways, all parts of it. Gigs are also a part of my life I can’t forget, not just big gigs but small ones - mostly small ones actually. A lot of my friends are drag queens so I’m at their shows a lot, others of my friends are in bands so I’m also attending those if anything else.
TSWS: Who are you listening to right now?
I’m a huge rock fan, right now I listen to a lot of Wargasm, Muse, Sex Pistols. Though I do love me some experimental pop, or art pop - Lady Gaga, Sophie, COBRAH etc. I find the workings of electronic music fascinating to listen to. You hear something new every single time you listen. I’m not much of a set genre person, I’ve been told I have an eclectic music taste. Though I do definitely have to say that I have a special place in my heart for alternative music, I always have and I think I always will.
TSWS: Are you doing live performances?
I am doing live performances, I perform at least three times a month. I went through a period of gigging nearly every other day or week, and that really took a toll on me. Despite this I do enjoy performing live nearly as much as the music making part. I love the way music makes people feel, react, and have a generally good time. It’s even more amazing when I know MY music has made someone feel that way. My words, my ideas, my tunes have made someone enjoy their night or afternoon. That for me is the main joy of performing live.
TSWS: This single seems like a big undertaking. What kind of advice might you have for other up and coming artists out there?
Oh I should really listen to my own advice too - do not overwork yourself! This is something I’m constantly doing. Even when I’m not doing music stuff I’m thinking about making music stuff. It’s my life, and I know it’s the same for other musicians too. However it’s extremely important to give yourself down time, do not burn yourself out and be proud of any achievement of any size. You worked hard for it, so own it. Another thing I’d say is important is to just be yourself, make the music you want to make, look the way you want to look, perform how you want. Don’t ever do things you don’t enjoy or identify with. Always be your own person and the people who come to you will adore you for your honest self.
TSWS: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
I want to say my endless thanks to anyone who has ever listened to my music, follows me or supports me in any way shape or form. I wouldn’t be where I am without the continuous love I’ve received. I hope that my music will continue to help people feel understood or heard, or at least that they identify with it.