God Of Love Blends Genres With A New Powerhouse Single
God Of Love hits us with a deep groove that explodes into a massive soundscape of synths and guitars that take over the atmosphere and shine with a gritty feel.
"Black Beyond" is absolutely massive and it's mega-alternative edge feels like a Western set in the future.
The track has a gloom lurking just beneath the surface and it does certainly show face. The songs is incredibly honest lyrically and the track has such a cinematic and impactful sound that it's addicting as all hell.
This is the type of song where you stop and go "wait..what?" and play it again as soon as it's finished.
It's got its own vibe for sure and the music absolutely swims everywhere and washes you away with its breathing, living feel and eerie almost haunting feels.
This track incorporates a number of genres that bleed together and romp on with a presence that you can;t stop.
The track is more than memorable and sounds insane blasted loud. The production is so huge it's just a vast feeling when you listen loud.
A true alt-pop vision comes to fruition with changes and attitudes that showcase such a detailed character. It's awesome.
The track does luckily come with a video that also gives an almost off putting vibe and it works so well with the track itself and great.
This is like a blend of sounds that really worked and it's not quite like anything you've heard before which is crazy refreshing.
Listen loud people.