2 New Singles From Hello London

If you aren't that familiar with the thriving rock sounds of Hello London, then let us be among the first to bring this to your musical palette because there is a new release from the project that features two singles. In a side, and a B-side each with a little bit of a different flair but seem to fit each other perfectly.
The first of the two tracks is a song called " A Change of Pace" which technically is a song about feeling stuck in a way. During the song he talks about being on the east coast and feeling the West Coast beckoning him.
But in general, it's a song about how a change of pace is needed and that's something that a lot of us can understand at different times in our lives.
"I wanted to write something upbeat and energetic. These songs are about escaping the doldrums of everyday life. There is also this idea of the continuity of life and the attitude of resiliency” - Hello London
The song has little bits of punk flowing through its veins and features some plucky guitar lines but it's also the production style that lets it feel rounded and a little classic.
The production on both of these songs is great but there are hints of lo-fi and how it was recorded which makes things hit the right way.
Sounds like these aren't supposed to feel massively polished like they came out of Atlantic Records.
They are meant to have a little bit of lo-fi and this gives them a certain kind of identity and adds a little bit of youthfulness to the songs.
The other single is called "All I Want Is a Road To Take" and this one also gives bits of punk but has a more garage rock tone.
Both songs complement each other very well and give you an idea of where the songwriter was at when they were written.
Have a listen for yourself. Seriously, do that now.