The Blisteringly Catchy Punk Rock Of Idol Zero

A glorious and classic punk rock release from Idol Zero brings the crunchy, slightly gritty undertone with ultra energy and songs that make you want to jump around your living room and sing along out loud.
The State Of Mind EP is packed with catchy changes, destructive drumming, and the kind of bass tone you want from a real deal punk sound.
The vocals are raspy and melodic and come through with a gusto and are insanely hooky.
The EP is 3 songs and an added bonus track and each one gives you everything you could ask for from the genre.
This record makes you itch to see a show. To see these guys melt your face live would be so much fun it's crazy.
Crew vocals belt out great lines and you get everything from The Sex Pistols to Rancid and all with a perfect tasteful delight.
The band does feature some more hardcore and even garage fuzztone elements that they bring to the table and it all comes together with it's own feel and atmosphere.
Idol Zero is for those who love the classics like The Stooges, The Clash, or even The Misfits. You get all kinds of meaty punk rock from this band and they cover such a killer array of styles with such an addictive and infectious energy it just makes you want more and more.
Song writer B. Sison also recently released a solo EP that sticks to that punk style but reaches into a more experimental area and gives all the cathiness you want as well.
These guys have their own approach to it all and it's refreshing to hear great classic punk rock again.
We'd suggest starting with the State of Mind EP and diving into the Commodity EP from B.Sison after that. There's just a ton to dig into so all you punk heads out there, this is sure as hell worth your time.