An EP Release from James Haro In Storage

A new EP release from James Harrow In Storage delivers a lush and uniquely honest approach in the form of indie and pop rock songs that not only speak volumes for the artist but let him give off a rock soundscape with a colorful but still somewhat edgy balance.
The go-ahead EP features three tracks and each of them has a wonderful way of showcasing a slightly different style of songwriting but also a little bit of a different piece of the artist himself which I find very interesting because there's a lot of detail in the lyrics if you listen and they can be descriptive and help you paint pictures in your head.
The songs are built from inner thought and James lets that all come out on this record which I think is important because you get a certain level of authenticity along with that plus character and personality which are far more important than almost anything else.
Those are the kinds of things that we end up getting attached to and wanting more of especially with a record like this one.
The songs are lush and full-bodied but again, they do have this cross of color and edginess that breeds a really sort of welcoming rock feel and it's all coated in pop so the songs come through catchy and with a wonderfully electric energy that keeps you coming back for more.
Some of the guitar work across this record is outstanding and there are some surprises around the corners including some outlandish but incredibly fun instrumentation that ranges from violin to even horn sections, and all of this adds a vibrant drive to the EP that helps it push the envelope to get right where it needed to be.
The way guitars are tracked and doubled along with the energy of the drumming and the almost animated end robust but incredibly fun vocal approach all seem to complement each other super well and these songs come through with the feeling of being alive.
Again, there is an energy here that becomes addictive and the songs have a very positive undertone to them. They are danceable, and memorable, some of the songs you'll end up singing along with with your hands in the air.
It's just a fun record. It's like a personal rock soiree that is built from honesty and personal perspective but is incredibly relatable and descriptive so that you get pretty immersed in the whole thing.
When it's over you feel like you know James a little bit more than you did before and some of these tracks give the air of a live performance.
I love the layers of textures that come through at certain points where there are rock guitars, acoustic guitars, violins, a deepening and rattling bass, wonderfully performed vocals that sit right on top adding a whole other layer of melody, and drums that feel like they're just slamming.
It's a great combination of elements that seem to complement each other effortlessly.
This is one of those EPs that should be listened to as a whole so that you don't miss out on anything, and it's completely infectious so each song brings something new to the table, and with each one you hear slightly different influences.
The record does bring in elements of not only indie and pop rock, but lots of classic rock as well plus some of those instruments bring in a brighter factor so you get hints of what feels like Americana with a slightly southern tonality.
This is certainly not a record to miss out on especially if you are a big fan of genuine, driving, pop-oriented rock music as a whole.
The entire EP is very fun and exciting but also completely relatable so jump into this one as soon as you can and don't be afraid to turn it up.