A Powerful and Different Rock Release from Jangus Kangus

The new single release from Jangus Kangus hits with a sort of theatrical underbelly and this happens right from the get-go because you got this sort of Indian chanting that blends into a slightly tripped-out indie rock approach and I honestly got pulled right into it.
"Janakita Kirakita" is not your standard cookie-cutter type of indie rock track. Aside from the inventive and culturally rich sections, you get layers of guitars creating sets of melodies and textures that sit atop each other and let the soundscape grow.
This was quite experimental but still really catchy at the same time. It had a unique way of blending different worlds together and bringing elements of indie rock, psych rock, progressive rock, and so much more all rolled into one track so that it was fun, colorful, and very charismatic as well.
The rhythm was very danceable also. You kind of just had to start moving to it and I couldn't escape how enticing the vocals were.
The singer of this band has an alluring set of pipes that pull you into the track even further. They also give a bit of a different texture and flavor to everything by balancing out the way the guitars and the instrumentation sound with her vocal tone.
That balance is very unique and lets the song have a certain beauty to it.
There's also this deepening and cinematic feel to the track. When it hits that hook with the tribal chanting it also has this deep note that's it and it feels dramatic.
This lends a hand in the song having a bit of a theatrical underbelly which is something I also enjoyed quite a lot because it created an atmosphere that surrounded me.
Every time it dropped back into that section it was a bit of a shock.
This was produced with a lot of attention to detail and I think this is an important thing to touch on because the production of the song itself has a great effect on the aesthetic that it gives off and the soundscape that it boasts.
There was thought behind the production and how those sections would drop in such a heavy manner that it would be intense.
I love how the song ebbs and flows in that way. How it has waves of intensities that thrive and drop back down.
It was all very beautifully done and the guitar work was outstanding also. All those layers of guitars again bring so much color and liveliness to the song in a different way.
There are parts with two or three different guitar tracks that are playing different melodies over each other and they're not exactly harmonizing but more complimenting each other.
It's cool because it's edgy but almost pretty at the same time.
This was definitely different. I like different. It surprises me. I don't know about you, but I want to hear music that will surprise me every once in a while. Something that's not thinking in the same straight line that others are.
This song thinks outside the box but it still has familiarities and things that are lovable for people who love indie rock, progressive, or even psychedelic rock.
This has a little something for everyone and as much as I would try to explain how that drop feels when it comes back to the chanting and the deep root notes, you have to listen to it to understand.
Only then will you actually feel that energy transfer. You'll feel the theatrical and the cinematic pull.
This was a very cool track from a band that most certainly puts a lot into making sure their music has the right feel.
Check this one out right now because it's well worth it and do it with headphones. Headphones will really let that drop hit hard.
See what this one does for you.