Joe Man Murphy Drops a New Single and Video

A new single from Joe Man Murphy delivers quite a unique breed of honesty as he tells a story that unfolds from a personal perspective and gives the track a lot of character. The whole thing comes through with a crossover between something that feels cinematic and emotionally driven, and a singer-songwriter approach and those two elements come together seamlessly creating an atmosphere that you end up falling right into.
"Lost Girl" is quite a beautiful track and has a way of attaching itself to you lyrically as he gets into some great detail. When you listen to it, it feels like it was meant specifically for somebody but at the same time, a lot of us have met the person he's singing about in the song so it can feel relatable.
It feels like it's a song about someone that's stuck and the way that Joe expresses it feels like he just wants to get her out, or he's trying to tell her that she needs to get out and make a change otherwise she'll just end up being another lost girl.
This message comes out pretty strong and it's in the way that he articulates those lyrics that really gives it its power and impact.
There's a lot of drifting and vast undertone delivered throughout this track and that's part of what makes it feel cinematic and almost orchestrated in a way because there are pads and strings that float through the ether of the song giving it a thicker and more distant approach which in turn, let's things hit harder in an emotional sense.
The base instruments are acoustic guitar and piano and these two have such a natural tonality to them that it makes the song have a certain kind of warmth to it but again, it's that really strong sort of emotional drive that wraps itself around you and keeps you right where it wants to.
This is the type of song that does indeed leave an impact and for me, it ended up floating around in my head for hours after it ended. The only way to satiate that, is to go and listen to it again which I found to be refreshing in a sense because it can be quite some time until you hear a song that actually leaves a mark the way that this one did.
It was beautifully done and you can tell it certainly came from someplace real so the whole thing came through very authentically and again, this also builds on the character of the track itself.
With video that pushed some of the more personal aspects of the track to the forefront even more and the whole thing was shot incredibly well and really did help add to the understanding of the premise behind the song itself.
I feel like watching the music videos is one of the best ways to first listen to this song but it stands alone as a single even without the video extremely well because it does have a strength to it.
This is a single that speaks volumes for the artist because he's definitely giving a piece of himself in the way of letting out these inner thoughts that come through so straightforward that you really understand them. At certain points, if you know someone or have been in the situation close to what the song is about, you end up having memories of your own pop into your head, or you end up thinking of a certain person of your own.
This is extremely connective and I love music that does that because I think we all need more music that makes us feel or that makes us think.
This song does both and does it well.
Listen to this song with headphones on because it's the best way to soak in everything that's happening in the song. Again, there are notes and textures that float through the ether and you can really get absorbed into the atmosphere of the whole thing if you listen to it with headphones.
Check this track out as soon as you can and see how it affects you.