Jon Statham Releases Long Awaited Album

A brand new album from Jon Statham marks his return with a powerful and impactful southern rock soundscape that hits all the sweet spots that you need from a song that blends that country and rock sound together with such gusto and so much character.
The Struggle Is Beautiful is incredibly honest and shows a certain side of the artist's persona and this is really what grabs at you because being able to unleash a lot of that inner emotion is not an easy thing to do but for artists like Jon it feels like it might even be cathartic.
Now, we're no strangers to Jon Statham and his music having had the pleasure to listen to a bunch of his previous releases and even review some before, however, these songs really takes the cake because it's got immense power to it and I think that comes from his honesty and the way he's able to arrange and build these songs.
The album is a massive 16 songs in length and all of these really let his presence as an artist shine and this is part of the allure of everything.
It is indeed that character that you latch onto and you want to know more about which is wonderful because by the time the record is over you know a lot more about him and you feel like you've sat and talked with an old friend over dinner.
All of these songs take you to different places and serve almost like chapters in the artist's life but they're so relatable at times that they feel like they could have served as chapters in your own life at certain points.
This is exactly what I mean by having the songs maybe be cathartic for the artist but relatable for the listener.
Not everything is about struggles in different ways, some of the stuff is warm, and welcoming, some of it is about struggle and overcoming, either way, it all has this in-your-face honesty and that's what makes everything so genuine and authentic.
It's a very beautiful record and it's woven together by someone who not only has an old soul but has a massive amount of music experience and that seasoned musicianship shows across the span of this record.
This is an artist who isn't afraid to express himself in any way he wants to and delivers a tone that feels familiar like you've been listening to some of these songs for years now.
A lot of this record will end up sticking with you and I do realize that a record of this size isn't easy to listen to in one sitting however, I will say that if you get a chance, this is exactly how I would suggest doing it.
There are definitely singles that stick out left and right and would do amazing on their own, however this record is almost like a concept record.
I'm not saying it is exactly a concept record, but what I'm saying is, it feels like the songs interconnect with each other and they all tell stories that work together.
Listening to this album in full is like watching a movie or reading a really good book because you're able to escape into his world in his life for such a good chunk of time that when you get back to reality you have to sort of shake it off.
There's a lot to love about this record as there are surprises around the corners and plenty of layers to be peeled back and I certainly think that when you find an artist of this caliber and the music affects you the way his does, being able to appreciate a huge album worth of meaningful songs is important.
You have to understand, Jon like any other artist, just wants his songs to be heard.
He wants to know that his songs have an effect on people and they certainly do if you ask me.
Check this out as soon as you get a chance and try and go for the whole record if you can because I'll tell you right now, it's more than worth your time.
You'll be happy that you went through the whole thing.