Kim Logan & the Silhouettes

A new release from Kim Logan & the Silhouettes gives off a rich and edgy post-punk and psychedelic rock soundscape, but it also comes with this robust personality that you end up getting attached to as well and the whole thing delivers a gorgeous atmosphere that feels elegant in its own way.
"The Temple" has this flow to it and it keeps things, not only forward moving, but almost drifting like in a dream and I love that sort of cinematic underbelly because it can really pull you into the song.
The guitar tones are amazing throughout this track because they have this classic post-punk twang to them and again you do have a very vast and expansive feel that the song boasts and it's very easy to get wrapped up by the entire sound of it and eventually just washed away with it as well.
There's something so nostalgic about this and I think they really nailed that psych-rock and postpunk approach extremely well because the aesthetic is perfected. They do it with a passion and a soul so you can get into the track and its grooves, progression, and everything else that comes along with it.
The edginess factor comes from both those guitars and the vocal approach which has this semi-gothic undertone and the whole thing has a unique and excellent way of building as it unfolds.
More vocals come into play giving the song a more robust and lush approach and these layers of textures just come at you and flood your senses with amazing sounds.
The energy on this track is very particular as well. It almost has a sort of live performance feel to it as if the song was recorded live-on-the-floor to an extent and everyone involved was just feeding off of each other the entire time.
Of course, I could be wrong about the whole live-on-the-floor aspect but, listening to the track definitely makes you want to go see them perform this live in your face because if they can capture this kind of energy on record like this, then seeing it live must be even more intense.
Songs like this for me, are more of an experience than just a song because there are so many layers to it and you can peel those back as the song plays through.
It makes things fun and you can tell that everyone involved with this has a real love for their craft and when I say that, I don't just mean playing your instruments or singing, I mean writing songs together to put into the world that make you think or make you feel.
Those classic influences are flowing through the veins of this track and there's a soiree of them because in the guitars you hear that old school almost vintage style twang and this is a big part of the aesthetic of the track and how it turned out.
Meanwhile, that intensity does grow the deeper into the song you get, and this lets that sound wrap itself around you and keep you right where it wants to.
So, in its own way, the song feels like it's alive and breathing and I love that factor.
This was an immense track that was done with such a semi-subtle approach and a unique way of having these little explosive sections where things get more intense and a bit heavier, so those ways and swells come and go like waves throughout the single.
This is exactly what I mean by having a lot of attention paid to the details of the creation of this track.
The arrangement and progression are super important here because that's how the song unfolds but, the way they perform it and how things get hit harder like the drums or the guitars, and how the vocals get louder, all those things also play a big part in how the song does indeed feel sort of alive.
This was a gorgeous track with a beautiful tone and again, for me a lot of nostalgia because that post-punk aesthetic was really just nailed and I grew up listening to that stuff.
Definitely check this track out when you can and do it with headphones on so you can really soak everything in the way it was meant to be.
A lot is going on in the track in terms of notes floating through the ether and there are things I missed the first time that I picked up on the second go.
Crank this song and see how it affects you.
Remember where you heard it first.