A New Release From Mainland Break

The latest release from Mainland Break is a heartfelt and danceable indie rock single that boasts plenty of catchy guitars and vocals that all play together as an anthem of the summer and it works like a charm.
"Calling After" has something unique and almost playful about it that brings out a certain element of nostalgia for me and throughout it all you get these wonderfully woven guitar sections and a song that builds into a bigger atmosphere the more it plays.
This is a really feel-good song and you end up wanting to get off your ass and dance around the living room to it because it just feels fun loving to listen to.
We all love songs that can make us feel good and this one does a great job of it especially first thing in the morning because it can really set your mood right.
We are indeed in the summer and we haven't quite yet had a good summer song to lift that spirit into where it should be and these guys do an amazing job of just that.
The chorus ends up bouncing around in your head and you'll find yourself humming that hook even if just to yourself, at any given random time.
You have to love songs that do that for you.
What's also pretty great is the music video that accompanies the single because it pushes that fun summer time feel even more as you have the guys riding around a small suburban neighborhood on bikes and it really helps that youthful freeing feeling of the song shine even more.
This was quite a wonderful single and does a great job of giving off good clean crisp and fun indie rock that all of us could use right now.
Give this one a spin and check out the music video because it's one of the best ways to hear the song in the first place.