Michelle Fabre Returns With A Colorful Disco-Pop Banger

A new single from Michelle Fabre hits that dance pop sweet spot with an array of extra colorful hooks built with outstanding synth work that all gives off a neo-disco style and it comes off insanely danceable.
"Kick It Up" is endless fun and should be playing at every club everywhere.
The energy of this track is absolutely infectious as is Fabre's delightfully gleeful vocal approach and the song has such a killer breakdown with lush percussion and rock guitars giving the song a whole extra layer.
This is an exciting and character soaked single that lets the artist's presence really shine.
There's nothing not to love about this release especially if you love tasteful and vibrant pop music.
Again this one is heavily influenced by disco and that aspect really drives it through the roof but it also has this wonderfully addictive pop element that just brightens your day. And we can all use that.
The beat is alive, the groove is heavy, the strings and keys are vivid and inviting, and the whole song just has a way of sticking in your head.
It makes you wonder about how Fabre is in a live setting because this single has so much fun and positive attitude to it, it makes you want to see her perform.
One thing is more clear than anything else.
She loves doing her thing. She Is free in the studio and lets loose and that feeling comes through in the music and passes on to the listener.