A new single release from Nothing After This delivers a massively impactful and fierce soundscape that blends elements of hardcore, death metal, progressive metal, and even gothic-themed undertone that all come together and give you this sort of intense and riling approach.
"Exodus" wastes no time at all coming in with a killer ref that feels sharp and super tight along with the drums and bass guitar, and the whole thing is introduced with a haunting warning siren that already gives the song an eerie tonality in itself.
Between how everything is performed and the way the riffs are done really does take that sort of classic hardcore energy and approach and bring it into a hard-hitting metal sound and it's done really well so that it's got its own atmosphere in a way.
There is absolutely a massive haunt behind this entire track and the way it's performed energy-wise feels like this was done live on the floor to an extent. It feels almost like this band was right there in the moment with everyone feeding off each other the entire time.
Of course, this was super tight in terms of their performances as well so I don't know if it was recorded live on the floor per se but that energy level makes you want to see them perform it live just because if that kind of energy is captured so well on record than seeing them live must be a real face-melter.
This is the kind of vibe I want to get from a band like this. I want to feel that intense energy that they deliver and these guys do it on a boombastic level and just crush all the elements of coming in with an impact, packing a massive punch, and having it feel sort of guttural all at the same time.
I do feel like the guttural aspect comes mostly from those vocals but also from the guitars. The vocals are on fire the entire time and thrive off the energy of the band, so that energy goes back towards the band themselves and everything comes together with a massive sonic drive.
This entire track absolutely hit like a sucker punch to the gut and I mean that in the best way possible of course.
This is definitely for anyone who loves that hardcore fierceness and that metal tightness. Everything is just brutal from beginning to end and the whole thing has a weird way of sticking with you long after it's over.
Upon listening to this track I took a bit of a deep dive into the band's back catalog and I'm glad I did because there are about three singles released previous to this one and they all show a little bit of a different side to how they do their thing.
What I really liked about doing this was that you can hear the evolution of the band as well.
You can hear the difference in songwriting and production from the earliest track compared to "Exodus".
"Exodus" has a pretty damn pristine production to it. Like I said earlier, it's sharp but it's deepening and rumbling as well.
The low end is intense but that whipping riff is just killer so you have this great combination between the low end and the high end and then the vocals come in and balance everything out.
The drummer is perfect. Everything about the drumming on this track pushes everything else.
The drumming is the entire backbone of this single and let the rest of the band push the envelope.
This song was completely nailed and people who have a love for all different kinds of metal will like this track I'm sure.
Make sure you listen to this nice and loud, and also check out the rest of their singles after this one because they're also worth listening to.
Turn it up and bang your head.