A Fun Rock Variety From Nothing But A Nightmare

Nothing But A Nightmare has an album that they put out recently and it's got more than enough singles on it to pay attention to at the absolute least. This record is bursting with good times and humor, hard hitting rock and a soiree of catchiness that comes in both music and vocal hooks and it's pretty non-stop to be honest.
The record is called Salvation and it does a solid job of showing how the band is able to write catchy pop rock bangers and do it a little differently each time.
Salvation puts forth some crazy energy and by the end of the album you get a sense for who this band really is.
The release has personality and sharpness . It's a bunch of younger guys that are really letting loose and doing it on their own terms which just makes the whole thing much more fun.
And that fun is infectious.
It's not all the time we can say that there is something for just about everyone on an album but this one has that aspect.
There is no judgment. It's for everyone and if you like songs you can jump around the room to, or headbang with, or sing along to, this is for you.
A sweet array of songwriting and variety of approaches and presence let these guys really show their true colors and it's excellent all the way through.
“When we did the first two albums, it was a lot of me (Eddie) writing the songs, and doing the production, all on my own and eventually, I realized that as a band we needed everyone involved as much as possible because we are a family.” - Nothing But A Nightmare
You can find the Salvation album on Spotify or Website among other spots and the band's Instagram is a ton of fun as well.
Come get to know Nothing But A Nightmare.