Punching Peaches Pushes The Envelope With "Unknown"

A new single from Punching Peaches gives off a dreamy and progressive rock undertone that drifts and sways throughout your brain and leaves an anthemic and impactful mark.
"Unknown" has a slightly haunting and beckoning feeling that boasts a certain darkness that sits just beneath the surface and peeks its head out.
The track is full a deepening undertow that pulls you in and sort of traps you there and just when you've been overcome with the sound of it all, they change things up and the song speeds up, it morphs into this high energy gritty fuzz rock track that still keeps to that darkness but brings it to an intense and powerful level.
It's awesome to hear a track that goes through such a growth and change in such a short time. It really evolves and becomes explosive and contagious.
There is so much more than you expect with this one and it's like a smack in the face and you look back and just sort of go "wait...what the hell?"
And then you replay it to get it all again.
Punching Peaches has a great swagger to them and this track veers from their norm a bit but shows such a killer evolution in how they write their material.
This one was for the books!