A New Release from Rofi James

A new release from Rofi james brings out a crisp and refreshingly bright energy to an indie rock and pop driven soundscape with a vast backing that feels almost cinematic at times and anthemic build.
"Over You" is kind of an instant classic in the way of relatability and catchiness. This track has that certain something that gives it a Polish and Sheen that you can't really turn away from that easily.
And again, it is very relatable to a lot of people and that drive and endless energy that it brings to the table is really what grabs at you and keeps you there.
It's got this certain kind of intensity to it and by the second time around you're waiting for that course to come back in so you can get down with the groove.
And that's the thing, this song has an edginess to it but it's really a grooving and danceable single because it's so pop oriented even though it's got this rock tonality to it.
Those two things in combination really work well especially with the radio friendly vocal style that already feels familiar and comfortable.
The beat is a four on the floor disco style beat but with a little more gusto to it and the guitars follow suit especially in the verses and everything gets a little bit funky to an extent before it explodes into that big heavier chorus.
There's also a lot of cool vocal stuff going on in the background that feels almost haunting along with these piano root notes that give the song an extra depth.
They're definitely some layers musically with this track that you need to listen to a few times to be able to pick a part or peel back and that's pretty fun to do.
This is definitely the kind of track that you share with your friends and your playlists because either way this is a fists in the air banger.