The Beautiful And Honest Songs Of Sara-Mae Dafoe
A brand new release from Sara-Mae Dafoe touches on a subtle and beautifully woven Americana feel that keeps to a contemporary pop undertone and is complete with passionate vocal performances and a cinematic style.
The Letters To Ben EP is constructed with grace and heart as an array of gorgeous instrumentation accompanies the artists already soothing vocals approach.
Songs feel warm and personal as she takes you through her thoughts and it all becomes infectious and honest.
The record is absolutely addictive and some tracks feel as though you have heard them before on a radio station and it's that familiar sound that makes you feel close to each song.
The EP is floating and creates an atmosphere all it's own as the songs come together in a concept record that makes you feel like you've just watched a film.
Sara-Mae is a showcase of youthful artistry and how that drive and emotion can create something powerful and impactful, especially when the songs are as relatable as they are here.
Dreams of what would have been had things been different, the hardships of letting go, and plenty more topics that come from someplace real.
Sara-Mae paints beautiful visuals with her words and it's got a power behind it that becomes quite impactful in the end.
The release tells quite the story within it's 5 tracks and you feel satiated in the end. Like it's come to a close.
This is a bit of a musical and personal journey the artist has invited you on and it feels good to listen to it straight through without interruption.
The record also makes you want to see her perform live as it seems like it would be an amazing show. Even just her and a piano.
Though songs are lush with instruments, there is this sripped down feeling behind it that hits you pretty hard.
This was an absolutely wonderful EP and boasts plenty for your playlists to say the least.