The Unique and Driving Sounds of shama the human

It's probably about time you get introduced to shama the human, an artist that brings together a certain indie-edginess and blends that in with dance pop and an array of colorful vibes and textures that all seem to complement each other in ways that actually make the songs feel amazing to listen to.
The songs on the home EP are absolutely rich with beautifully woven changes and energies that all bleed into each other and feel smooth and flowing in a way.
You get to swell and sway while music swims around you and lets you get washed away with everything that's happening.
You also get a certain upfront honesty that you can't really deny, and it becomes something that feels like it's a bit more personal than you were led to think at the start.
Songs crank also. They have upswing styles and explosive sections where the energy of the artist as a vocalist and writer are just addictive.
The release ends up being such an impactful and insanely danceable piece of work that you want to play it again on the drive back home from work.
And when you do, it puts you in that same positive mood it did that morning and you know what? We need more music like this.
shama the human is giving a lot and doing it in her own fun way. It's something that is also a piece of her. Or pieces I guess we should say.
These tracks feel comfortable and welcoming in a strange but peaceful way. Great for lovers of love, music, humans, it's time to meet shama the human.