A new EP release from Steve Beitscher gives an array of wonderfully written pop music that walks the balanced line between alternative and commercial and does so with a wonderful string of instrumentation involved along with a lush variety of gorgeous textures that complement each other throughout the entire release.
The EP is dubbed "Music before the Observer- The Singularity is Here- Extended Play Number 1" and it gives off a lot of character and personality along with genuine honesty as it all showcases such an outstanding portrayal of musicianship and songwriting that you have to soak this in more than once.
The release spans from an acoustic singer-songwriter that feels like a clean alternative rock to an indie pop single that borders on dream pop and gives an expansive tonality that you can just get washed away with.
The other cool thing about this is that each song touches on a different topic that has an authenticity to it but even as much as each song they vary they all have the same heart and that I think is one of the most important things about this release.
There's so much of a smooth variety of songwriting and arrangements spreading out across playthrough of the EP that each song comes off refreshing after the last.
You can clearly tell Steve is a guitar player at heart but also a songwriter and he creates his music with fewer boundaries than a lot of others which is something you don't get that often anymore.
None of the songs are cookie-cutter but they each have their own style of catchiness to them and there are definite hooks within each track that end up bouncing around in your head for long after the song has ended.
The EP has a wonderful way of grabbing at you and keeping you right where it wants to and letting you sort of get washed away with these songs as well.
You can clearly tell that the artist has an absolute love for the craft and puts a lot into each song that he's releasing as well as putting out a lot of attention to the details and intricacies of each track.
Throughout all of this, however, it never loses that soul and that is what really hits those sweet spots.
The other cool thing about this EP is that each song is released with its own music video which vary as much as the songs do.
So, you can actually watch the EP as you listen to it which is one of the best ways to do it and honestly I think a lot more artists should be doing things like this.
There's just more to soak in that way and you're able to come out of the record with these great visuals as well as the great music.
The EP is the first part of several that will later on make up a full-length album and with the knowledge of that we definitely wanted to have a sit-down with Steve to find out where this whole idea came from and what might be the full vision for the album in the end.
Here's what happened when we sat down with him to have a chat.
TSWS: Okay Steve, let's start with the Music before the Observer- The Singularity is Here- Extended Play Number 1 EP! This release spans a great rock tonality but expands past that with an array of undertones and textures! Where did this EP come from?
Chaos, quantum field entanglement and the infinite multiverse.
The Singularity is Here album is a rock opera/concept album in the spirit of Tommy, Quadrophenia, Dark Side of the Moon and The Wall.
But, it is a contemporary view. It is a look at the extreme societal changes we are experiencing as humans. We are feeling the early impacts of the Singularity on civilization. Hopefully we BI's (Biological Intelligence) will emerge from the integration with our machines (Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Nanotechnology) intact and better for the experience.
That is the purpose of this project.
The production approach on this EP is in the same spirit as Dave Grohl's first Foo Fighters Album. Super basic and done on the cheap in my home studio.
TSWS: So, as far as I understand, this EP is part of a full length release that will incorporate 3 more EP's in total right?
Yes. I have a planned evolution of production sophistication with each EP. That's why this one is so “minimalist”. It is from the perspective of an artist's beginning, the bedroom produced music phase that is the stepping stone for every emerging artist.
If all goes well by the time this album is completely done I'll be working with some incredible producers. Fingers crossed.
(I'd really like to work with Jacknife Lee, his work on Snow Patrols- Eyes Open album is magic.)
TSWS: What gave you such a vast idea?
Probably my near death experiences.
They made me recognize that I need to share my music while I still can and support my fellow human beings as technology's exponential growth disrupts society.
Our social norms are evolving so quickly it can feel overwhelming.
I am in the return phase of life (Learn,Earn, Return), so I thought it might be good to take a 60's protest vibe (with a modern twist of course) and address our current social psychology and all the conflict and turmoil we are experiencing. There's a lot of evil characters out there disrupting our world and preying on the innocent. It doesn't have to be like that. We don't have to grant the super rich all that power. Not today, not with the total knowledge of mankind available at our fingertips. This next phase of technology can provide support to any one of us who are open to learning and growing. We don't have to listen to lies, hate, greed, fear, uncertainty and doubt. We can all wake up and push back on the predators.
This endeavor also serves as repentance for my contributions to this chaos as a result of my career in technology.
TSWS: What are you performing on these songs aside from vocals? It's clear you are a multi-instrumentalist.
I'm performing all the instruments, samples, programming and voices on this EP, with one exception, my wife is singing backup on Enough TV.
I'm primarily a guitarist but with current technology and a willingness to experiment it's amazing how much you can do by yourself.
Plus I love the production phase and the tech stuff.
It fulfills my geeky engineer side.
TSWS: There are some great styles on this release! What are some of your biggest musical influences?
It all started with the Beatles and I am continuously looking for new music. I focus on alternative as that is my favorite genre, but I am open to all music especially the Blues.
I love Alt J, Milky Chance, Kurt Vile, Phoebe Bridges, etc. I love all alternative music from the grunge era to now. There's a lot of great emerging artists coming out weekly.
I mostly listen to Alt Nation, Sirius XMU and Lithium on Sirius XM.
The concept album/rock opera approach is to honor the Who and Pink Floyd.
I love telling stories connected through my songs.
TSWS: What are you doing when you're not making music?
I perform as much as possible.
I promote my music and make videos.
I also ski, play hockey, camp, hike, beast walk, and write near future comedic science fiction (in the vein of Kurt Vonnegut).
I am also building my new home and studio in South Park Colorado.
TSWS: Are you playing any shows right now?
I've been sitting in at local open mics in South Park and Summit County /Breckenridge.
I also have a spot at this year's Festival in the Clouds in Alma.
It's the highest music festival in North America
TSWS: How do you record your stuff?
I have a home studio and I'm now using Reaper DAW software now as my ProTools software is no longer supporting my Digi Eleven. (I've got the ProTools Blues:
The next EP will be recorded in local studios with producers here in the Colorado Mountain region (expanding from the bedroom produced method used on this first EP.) .
TSWS: Do you have a home studio setup?
Yes, but right now it's super basic. Basically a 4 track setup like Bruce Springsteen used when he recorded Nebraska. All my serious equipment is in storage waiting for the new studio to be built.
TSWS: What is your absolute favorite part of doing what you do?
My favorite thing is seeing the happiness and pleasure brought to the audience through my music and videos.
I love collaborating with other musicians.
I can see as I put in more and more work I reinforce my skills, confidence and inspiration.
I learn so much from each interaction with other artists.
I also love interacting with the audience.
It's an intimate process and when things go well for both parties there is a connection that is almost spiritual.
TSWS: Would you say you're a recording artist at heart or do you love performing live as well?
I am building momentum on the performing track and it is intoxicating. I definitely see that avenue as the focus in the future.
TSWS: You put a ton of effort into your music videos as well. Will the full album also have music videos for all the songs?
Yes, every song will have it's own video, and there will be accompanying story videos that are the cinematic presentation of this story like the Tommy, Quadrophenia, and The Wall films.
TSWS: Before we head out, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
I'm really glad you like my music.
Thank you so much, it means a lot to me!
I hope we get to meet some day, enjoy a beverage of your choice and talk about music and life.