A Brand-New Banger from Surving Seasons

A new single release from Surviving Seasons brings out a classic cross between a low-fi sounding garage rock feel and a classic punk rock approach with vocals that hit a perfect 90s underground punk aesthetic and guitar riffs that bring some surprises around the corners.
"Oz" it's a very unique sounding trap because it brings all these different elements and influences together to create something that has a bit of its own atmosphere but still feels familiar and welcoming especially if you grew up listening to punk or hardcore music because those elements are there.
So, you have this excellent set of influences that breed a song that comes through super honestly which is something that gives it a lot of character and you end up getting hints of nostalgia when you listen to it or at least I do.
I love the guitar work on this track because there are some really cool hooks which is an element that I've missed in any kind of rock music in general for a long time.
There's nothing wrong with a great chorus but I miss musical guitar Hooks and this track actually gave me some of that so it was refreshing and nostalgic for me to hear this song and it also had an amazing drive to it.
Part of that has to do with the energy of the song itself which is so well done that it feels like this whole thing was recorded live on the floor and everyone involved was just feeding off each other's energy the entire time giving the song that extra electricity that it needed.
Now, of course, I could be completely wrong about the whole live-on-the-floor recording factor but, listening to this track definitely makes you want to go see these guys play live in your face because if this kind of energy is captured so well on record then seeing them live must be awesome.
The vocals and lyrics are totally honest and truthful, which makes the whole song authentic and adds to that character really well.
This breeds across between color and edginess super perfectly and the dynamic balance of everything is really well done as the mix of the track again, gives a little bit of aesthetic of a low-fi old-school recording but that's also part of the feel of the band and so those two things go together and complement each other perfectly.
This track would lose all of its gusto and aesthetic if it was recorded all gigantically with perfectly produced and polished sounds.
When you listen to this you're supposed to feel like this is an underground band from the mid to late 1980s or early 90s even.
That youthful cry out and drive is there and evidence throughout the whole track and I love the way that it feels when you listen to it.
The guitar tones are nailed, the vocal performances perfect in terms of capturing that same aesthetic, and everyone comes together and brings a little bit of a different influence to the table.
These are the things that make a track like this unique and what makes it stand out.
It's just real. It's not really conforming to any kind of specific genre but the influences of what drove all these musicians to create this kind of music are all there in the song.
Nothing is pushed but there's plenty of drive, it's got loads of personality and character, honesty and memorable sections.
Upon listening to this track I took a little bit of a deep dive into their back catalog and I'm glad that I did because there are a ton of releases in there starting in 2020 on Spotify that show a little bit of their evolution as a band which is something that's super fun to listen to and go through with a band like this one.
I strongly suggest checking this track out and not being afraid to turn it up.
And then, I suggest going and having a listen to some of their previous releases because if you dig this track you're bound to dig a lot more of their other stuff too.