A Personal EP Release From Adam Randall
Delivering a wonderfully heartfelt performance, Adam Randall lets his personality and character shine in a new EP release that bears some inner thoughts and driving emotion that is wrapped in a heavily melodic and passionate form of singer-songwriter and a contemporary but still slightly edgy rock undertone.
The Antelope EP it's almost like a concept record of sorts as it tells stories from his perspective in great detail sometimes. These stories are something that you become glued to quickly.
The record is soft touched with some textured layers of guitar performances that create an atmosphere with the vocals and you end up getting engulfed in it. But it feels good to let this happen.
You're hearing stories that are relatable. You're hearing thoughts that can make you think of your own memories at times.
The feel of this EP is like floating face up in a lake staring at the stars in the night sky with just your thoughts.
It's outstandingly freeing and has this almost welcoming feeling to it that creates a warmth.
Randall really lets his character in and with that you become closer to the artist in a way.
This is like music with less boundaries and borders than the norm.
Music with such personality should be done with less walls up because it allows you to become more connected with it.
It's so open and understandable along with being delivered with such a genuine approach, everything lets you get washed away with it.
You get a few different styles throughout the EP's course but it all has a glue that creates something confluent between the songs whether it be an actual concept record or not, it feels like one big piece that was meant for the songs to compliment each other in some way.
The tones on both guitars and vocals are beautiful and there was a lot of attention to detail throughout this record but it never loses that heart.
This is the real importance of a record like this. That performance has to have a heavy heart influence pulsing through its veins for it to come through the way it was meant to.
And this record absolutely does.
Refreshing to hear something that has a nicely woven and authentic feel to it and when it's done you kind of have to step back into reality.
You almost have to shake this off after it's over to get back to your day which in my opinion is a great thing.
Like reading a good book, this EP lets you escape into the artist's world and that's something that music should allow you to do.
This release is best listened to with headphones and a glass of whiskey so that you can really soak it in.
But maybe that's just me. Either way this EP is better listened to as a whole even though there are songs that stand out as singles without question.
I think this was meant to be heard from beginning through to the end.
Definitely dive into this one and take a swim through the thoughts of Adam Randall. It's worth your time.