A new Single Release From Animal Souls Arrives
A brand new single from Animal Souls shows their way of embracing a freeing and edgy yet soulful musical approach and it's no surprise coming from them as their material has always broken boundaries slightly and has gleefully pushed the envelope by incorporating different sub-genres in one song at a time and it works like a charm.
"Midnight Sky" came out beautifully with a shitful and full-bodied feel with ambient undertones portrayed with distanced pianos, lush guitars and melodically deriven vocals but the main thing is that they aren't afraid to keep to that experimental style with synths, guitar solos, and more giving the song such a gorgeous and massive soundscape.
This single is not only cinematic but it also makes you want to stand up and put your hands in the air as you sing along. If you can hit those notes that is.
The track has this inspirational tonality to it that feels good and makes you want to share it with everyone you possibly can.
This is a great morning song. It'll just get you in the right mood. Get ready to triumph over whatever the day has for you.
It also has touches of nostalgia in there musically at times like it was released in the 90's in the end credits of a film somewhere.
You get a positive feeling from it and it's infectious just as those melodies are from the singer. She performs with quite a passion and heart and you can hear it through and through.
This really has a powerful impact to it and takes no time at all to take you with it wherever it goes.
You get a bit of blues and classic hard rock styles in there especially with all that great guitar work. The solos also have a feel and heart to them. Everything is done with this passion and attention to detail, it's nice to hear so much go into a sng and yet have it still feel so freeing.
Start with this one and then check out the rest from Animal Souls as you're bound to dig this.