Breaking The Undertow Video Premier "Chainsaw Decorum"

Breaking The Undertow just gave us a new single and it gives us a refreshing yet blistering showcase of tasteful and driving alternative rock that keeps true to the BTU style with honest lyrics that come from someplace real, and one badass chorus that will pretty much haunt you for days.
"Chainsaw Decorum" is the latest in songwriter Trevor Heaslips' seemingly endless arsenal of radio worthy metal that somehow all seem to fit together like puzzle pieces.
The artist pulls off a massive amount of the performances of vocals and instruments on his own and puts together his own music videos to boot.
Although, you'd never guess that was the case.
"Chainsaw Decorum" is a face melter and a song you can chant along with.
"I work till I die" will roll around your brain like something you just can't shake. Not that you'll want to.
This is catchy ass heavy metal with a mix of melodic vocals and screaming breakdowns that all send an actual message.
One that we can all relate to if we think about it.
It takes some guts to call it out and make it present. For someone to come out and say "hey, what the fuck" and point out the darkside of it is ballsy but thats what Breaking The Undertow is all about.
Doing things others won't but making it catchy enough to be memorable, to want to show your friends, to play it again once it ends just so you can hear that part again.
This artist brings that back. The whole, "oh man, lets play that shit again" aspect. When you sit in a car with someone and point at the speakers whenever that part comes up.
We need this in heavy music again.
At any rate, "Chainsaw Decorum" is damn near perfect and the video is out today (and right there on this review as well) so check it out.