An Interview With Danjul

The latest single from Danjul breaks out of the norm with a fantastical and neon-lit pop soiree that blends elements of R&B along with it to create an atmosphere that bears edginess but still swirls around you in a flowing manner.
"Drama" comes right in with this bright electro-pop soundscape that grabs at you and then wraps itself around you keeping you right where it wants to.
To production and performance on this track are phenomenal and this is the type of song that you would expect to hear on the airwaves or even in the clubs.
The track absolutely gets you moving right from the get-go and has a way of taking you for quite a ride.
The artist's vocal delivery is spot on and this single lets his character really shine as it shows some real pop star presence amongst the bells and whistles.
This release really shows such a wonderful portrayal of a youth in songwriters and performers that are coming out and doing things their way by drawing from influences but also taking note of the kind of music that will be seeing in the near future and utilizing that knowledge.
This is smart songwriting and it's done for a purpose. This track was built in woven to be a single and it works like a charm.
As a matter of fact, Danjul comes off charming in the song itself and he's got such a draw that you can be mid-conversation with someone and get pulled away by the sounds of this song.
You have to love a good single that pulls your focus like that because they don't come around all too often so when you hear one it's so refreshing.
There's so much relevant and lively pop culture embedded in this track and it's great to hear something that has this kind of impact again.
There is a lot of attention to detail strung throughout this song but there's also enough soul to be noted for sure.
This was a really strong release from an artist that knows what he's doing and has decided to pay his own path in the pop world and there's something to be envied about that.
There's the ability to take the safe route or the want to stand out from the crowd which is what this artist does and with the release of such a well-woven single we did want to have a sit-down with Danjul to find out where this actually came from and what may be coming up next for him.
Here's what happened.
TSWS: Okay, let's start with "Drama"! This track had such a colorful pop feel and was high energy! How did this single come about?
Danjul: The single was born in 2020, I met up with newcomer producer Nathan Bankston and I told him I wanted a pop hit that was original and different from what was out. I already had lyrics & melody written for the song. He played a demo beat and I fell in love! I finished writing the song in like 20 mins, we recorded the song and took it to Conner Weinstein, who added his touch and mixed & mastered it to the musical gods! The song was released through BentleyRecords in 2021!
TSWS: How did this all start for you as an artist? When did you really fall in love with music?
Danjul: I’ve always loved music since a young boy. I knew I was creative but didn’t know how to express it, I stared off as a dancer/model. I started off by writing poems and then learning how to structure songs by buying cds like BRANDY. You know how they would have the lyrics in the cd booklet? Lol I self taught myself how to write songs and learned melody by artists like Justin Timberlake, Brandy etc. Michael Jackson was also a main influence to me wanting to become a pop artist too.
TSWS: What kind of things really inspire songs for you?
Danjul: Honestly, when I’m sad…lol I write the best. I’ve had a pretty rough life, I suffer from chronic depression which causes me to be an outsider in most cases. A lot of people around me don’t really care that i suffer from that. And treat me pretty poorly. I never had an outlet to express myself…writing songs is my only outlet. Even when I’m sad I write happy songs because I dream of oneday having a happy life.
TSWS: This song has some great styles combinations on it! Can you give us some of your biggest influences musically?
Danjul: Michael Jackson, Brandy, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Prince, Nicki Minaj, Madonna. Just to name a few hahaha. That was like 20 but oh well lol. I wanted to combine multiple sounds sonically for my song “Drama”.
TSWS: What are you doing when you're NOT working on music?
Danjul: Trying not to die….my honesty doesn’t sit well with a lot of people. I think it’s sad how people just want you to lie about your truth so it makes them comfortable. A lot of people pretend to care about you but when you tell them your truth they wanna call u negative. I’m probably the most misunderstood person in my family…I wish a space ship would come and abduct me lol FACTS. Music is the only reason why I’m still living. I hope I get to tell my story one day.
TSWS: Who's in your headphones right now?
Danjul: That’s such a vague question haha! I have so many different artists I listen too. The artist is listen to the most is BRANDY. Her voice is godly…she saves me…that’s all I’ll say.
TSWS: Are you doing any live performances right now?
Danjul: Working on that….
TSWS: Did you record yourself or hit a big studio for this?
Danjul: I recorded “Drama” at Milfs Studio in Los Angeles. Partly owned by my producer Nathan Bankston, the song was mixed & mastered at 137 productions by my other producer Conner Weinstein. There both nice studios…
TSWS: What can your fans expect from you in the near future?
Danjul: Drama is about to hit 300K on Spotify! I’m working on another single scheduled for a Spring/Summer release & another release in the Fall. So more music on the way! I don’t like to rush anything!
TSWS: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
Danjul: THANKYOU! It truly has been a journey…your love & support is the reason why I’m continuing…because LORDDD! I’ve wanted to quit like a million times. Drama is my biggest song to date and opportunities have came from that so I’m trying to stay positive.