An Interview with ESQ

The latest single from ESQ bringson that real deal classic rock feel and it's as genuine as it gets with a pop rock undertone to the guitar riffs, and vocals that come through melodic and catchy with an energy that feels right as it gets you moving in your seat.
"Keep Trying" feels like a song you've been listening to on the radio for years and that late 70's rock feel is authentic and just gets better as the song rolls on.
This single has tons of influences shining through at all times and that rock style is addictive. There is something not only nostalgic about it, but also quite welcoming in a way.
The song feels like seeing a good friend again or going to your favorite bar with friends. There's just this feel good approach to the songwriting and you can tell there is plenty of experience here.
This was done with experienced musicians and songwriters as it's got all the elements you could want from a song that has this aesthetic to it.
The song also has a positive vibe to it. Like it's all going to be okay. So it makes you sort of happy.
Don't get me wrong, this rocks and is surely a reeling rock song and damn that chorus has one hell of a hook. It seems to stick with you for days on end.
The song also comes with an accompanying music video that takes you into more of the studio process and that even looks like tons of fun.
Or at least ESQ makes it look that way.
Either way, this single is for the real classic rockers out there, and with its release, we wanted to have a chat with the artist to find out more of where this came from.
Here's what happened.
TSWS: Okay so let's start with "Keep Tryin". This single has a great energy and real deal classic rock tone! Where did this track come from?
Keep Tryin' is a rewrite of a tune, originally a lot faster tempo with an overload of keyboards. I thought it was a good song - with a bad arrangement, I revamped the vocals and rewrote the verses to apply to some current personal and political issues; added a bridge that it never had, shortened the length and decided not to have a guitar solo and bring it under 3:00 which is an exception to most all of our other material.
TSWS: I'm hearing some great styles on this release. Who are some of your biggest musical influences?
My musical influences as a kid started with Bach and Beethoven as I learned piano at age 5. The Beatles showed me song writing; Johnny Winter, Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck and Eric Clapton what to aspire to on the guitar and if you learn all of John Paul Jones licks - that's everything you ever need to know about playing the bass guitar.
TSWS: So how did this all begin for the band?
We have known each other for years - would get together and play challenging songs for fun in our rehearsal studio. Then one day - we decided to try out some original material and it turned into a bit of a snowball.
TSWS: What's next for you guys?
We will keep exploring music and writing songs we can enjoy playing and bring something hopefully a little different to the table. We all enjoy performing and hope to be able to bring the music live to folks soon.
TSWS: What inspires you to write a song?
These days - what mostly inpires me is putting together some music that is both fun and at least a little challenging to play. And something a little different from what we've previously recorded. The music generally comes first. On this last EP - we were recording music tracks where the lyrics were n't even wrtitten yet. Sometimes it's the other way around. Not that often
TSWS: What are you all doing when you're NOT working on music?
We have all been doing a limited amount of travel; some sports and other hobbies. Eric is commuting back and forth from New Mexico to California; Shalee is checking out Ireland; David is planning a trip to Argentina - where our music video is hitting like crazy; and I'm working to complete some additional music videos - but I think that is still considered working on the music, isn't it?
TSWS: Who are you listening to right now?
Hate to say that most of my time is taken up listening to rough mixes and tracks preparing to get out our next tunes. I think we all like our Led Zeppelin though . . .
TSWS: Are you doing live shows as of right now?
We have been super focused on finishing up our recordings; haven't done any live shows - but are looking at some different venues and adding a couple of players so we can do the material justice and have as much fun as possible - bringing the music to people.
This single seems like a big undertaking. What kind of advice might you have for other up and coming bands out there?
Stay true to the music you love. Write what you hear - not what you think others want to hear or expect.
TSWS: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
We hope everyone loves listening to our songs as much as we love making the music. It puts smiles on our faces when we hear from folks and we are grateful for the over 1/2 million folks who have hit the play button on our Keep Tryin' video. There are so many more great tunes we have lined up for release. We hope there's growing enthusiasm to listen and enjoy. Rock n Roll !!