Featured Artist: EVER SNOW
Ever Snow has a recent double track EP out that focuses on an obstuse aggression and for all the right reasons.
The EP has an intro that takes you right into the main track called "Blood Cargo" and it all makes perfect sense when you listen to it. But beforeyou do, it's important to know what it;s basis is about.
"This is about Boeing’s tone-deaf response to the 2, 737max crash victims' families who were fighting against the corporation due to the pain/suffering the victims likely experienced. Also, channeling anger about how Boeing intentionally chose the opportunity to boost stock values over training and safety. To me the subject matter of the song was very much a story of that, someone preying upon victims, of some sort of wrong that has happened."
This coming straight from the artist herself and from her partner in crime for his release Jordan Mower who lended himself to the track.
The beautiy of this song is in it's honesty and clashing, thunderous tones.
This is for death and thrash metal lovers and for those that want something to get a little angry about.
Since it's release, Ever Snow has released another single called "Oblivion" that has really given a great feel for the artistry and unique apprach the artist brings to the table.
Other great releases like "Army Of The Dead" among others can be heard of the Eversnow Spotify Profile.
You can also find out more at the Linktree page for Ever SNow and there you can grab onto more great stuff!
It;ll be sometime before you find anything quite like this artist!