A Beautiful and Honest LP from Francis V

A new album release from Francis V delivers a wonderfully lush and orchestrated pop undertone with a soundscape that has a vastness to it and feels expansive but personal at the same time delivering character and honesty from the get-go and this all gets you attached very quickly.
"Beyond The Horizon" it's quite a beautiful track and has these layers of textures that melt into each other as the whole thing creates an atmosphere that you fall right into and with that you have this gorgeous singing that explores personal topics and inner thought.
One of the things I adore about this track is its ability to swell and sway as if it's alive and breathing and this builds on that cinematic backbone that it boasts in the first place.
The track is a blend of digital and natural instrumentation and the deeper into the song you go the more robust and intense it seems to get so it's got a great sort of build to it and in the end, you end up getting washed away with the whole sound of it.
There is certainly a positive light at the end of the tunnel and the track has a particular sentiment that talks about how together as people we can make a change, and I like that idea but most of all I like the feeling that the song gives me because it's got such great intensity and lush instrumentation that it Blends the songwriting approaches of old and new school and again, the whole thing feels very orchestrated but perhaps that's because Francis V is not only a songwriter, but an actual composer and producer so this adds to the robust and full-bodied feel of the song and its changes.
This song was beautifully woven and performed by all parts which I think for the most part is Francis himself as he wrote everything and performed everything along with bringing on a vocalist to complete the project.
The single is just one track off the new full-length record dubbed A Place for Dreamers which ranges in songwriting approaches but all with a very flowing and honest tonality that keeps to that blend of instrumentation while songs Take different turns and as they do you get new stories, and fresh atmospheres to step in and out of a free will.
Records like this kind of blow my mind a little bit because I can barely imagine how the song was at first envisioned and then finally created and brought to fruition and how much time and energy that must have taken.
Albums like this are a passion project and that's why they come out with so much emotional drive like this one does.
I like records like this simply because they makes you think and it makes you feel and we need more music like that in general regardless of the genre.
Not only does this album accomplish that but it does so with such a unique approach that by the end you feel completely satiated and it does indeed have the ability to change your state of mind or mood even.
The music video that accompanies the "Beyond The Horizon" single is really important in terms of how the track pushes the envelope a little bit and sends messages as it goes through a set of cultural diversity and struggles within each one, joy within each one, and a lot of the scenes in the video are very compelling as they also help the message get across.
Watching the music video is one of the best ways to listen to the song for the first time because it makes you pay attention to the words as you see the scenes go by and I think it intensifies the song just a little bit more and locks in that message about how people are people all around the world and it would take us all together to make certain kinds of change.
The single also gives you a great feel for what you can expect from some of the other tracks on the record.
If I were you I would listen to this record all the way through because these songs tell certain kinds of stories and have a wonderful way of interconnecting with each other at different times besides, listening to only one or two tracks is fine but it does not give you the full spectrum of what this album has to offer.
A beautiful album performed with heart and woven with a great ability and knowledge of composition and arrangement, check this song out when you get a chance and see how it affects you.