A Authentically Vintage Pop Record from Girls Named Jennifer

There is a new wave of vintage retro style releases coming out and when you hear it you always get the nostalgic part of it but there is always something new or a current twist whether it's vocals, whatever drums, the keyboards, guitar parts, or just these production tricks that all let you know it's a new young artist taking that retro sound and twisting it into their own new pop feel.
There's nothing wrong with it whatsoever. It's quite a cool thing really. But it just makes you want to hear something that sticks to that retro feel. That vintage pop approach doesn't sway.
Well, we've found it. And it's called Girls Named Jennifer.
So if that name isn't enough to get the point through to you, we'll just keep going.
This project is insanely authentic in its aim to reach retro-pop perfectionism. Because it hits the nail on the head 100%.
Girls Named Jennifer brings out all the stops with a classic synth-pop and 1980's influenced new album release dubbed RecCollections.
This album is packed to the brim with genuinely vintage synthesized sound, guitar sections, and vocals that really pull everything through to where it should be in terms of the aesthetic.
The songs are fun, danceable, edgy, colorful, alive, and yes tastefully nostalgic.
It's hard to get enough of this record especially if you love this type of sound.
You can tell the keys and synths are genuine or the sound banks used are anyway. But the songwriting style and arrangements are right there too.
This whole thing really leaves no stone unturned in the way of being genuine.
It's a sure fire love letter to the 80's pop sound and it works like a charm.
Come dive into this record and get those goosebumps from the memories that pop into your head. Unless you're only in your twenties. Because, you might not get that then.