Lisa Michelle Anderson Shines With "Joy Callin'"

A fresh new single from Lisa Michelle Anderson hits that sweet spot between a southern kissed folk approach and real deal classic rock influence all while giving everything a coding of her own personal character and style.
"Joy Callin'" is a wonderful single that shows such an amazing heart and songwriting with changes that you don't expect at first but then find yourself waiting for them to come again along with a sort of welcoming undertone that feels good to listen to.
This track definitely showcases an experienced artist that knows how to arrange and format a song well enough so that you get attached to it but also has a knack for hooks so that when the song is ended you still find that Melody bouncing around your head for hours on end.
The best part about that is that the only way to satiate it is to play the song again.
So there was definitely some attention to detail going on with the creation of this single and she has a great sort of personal swagger in the delivery which also helps create this atmosphere of her own.
This was definitely something that sounded and felt like something you've been listening to on the radio for at least a few years now and a lot about that has to do with those classic rock influences.
The guitars are beautifully performed and the vocals are everything on this track really.
Along with the single comes an accompanied music video which shows her presence as an artist even more than just the track itself does which is wonderful because when you hear the song you want to just know more about her.
A good music video will give you some of that and she accomplished that with this one.
You get a feel for even more of her character and that's important when you're releasing a single as an artist.
Obviously this isn't Anderson's first rodeo which you can tell by the music Alone of course, so these things I'm sure she kept in mind when creating all of these aspects.
A great single from a great artist doing things her own way.
Check this one out.