An Interview With Mermaid Waters

A killer new single release from Mermaid Waters utilizes a brutal fuzz tone distortion along with crew vocals to give a gritty and heavy edged punk undertone that borders on a loose but fitting garage Rock energy and soundscape that is just undeniable.
The "Hold A Grudge" single hits the ground running with a massive deep-toned riff that grabs at you from across the room and keeps you right where it wants you.
From the get-go you automatically have a great feel for the insane energy that these guys boast and it's something that you almost feed off of in a way.
The track gets your blood pumping and is super quickly infectious which is something you don't get all that often but the big thing is that it's not standard or cookie cutter.
These guys do their thing with a colorful energy so even though it's got that aggressive edginess to it, it also has this brightness to it that feels welcoming.
You feel like you want to put your fists in the air and yell along with the vocals or jump around the living room and head bang.
This is because of that attaching energy they give and part of that is due to the fact that they have an amazing back and forth between the members of the band almost like they recorded this live on the floor so that they could feed off of each other's energies the whole time.
So, you get this awesome feel for what these guys may be like live and if it's anything like you get on this record, it's going to be badass.
There's nothing that's not addictive about this single and it definitely makes you want to dig a little bit deeper into Mermaid Waters. And when you do take a look at their catalog you get a couple of other really good single releases along with some demo versions but everything stands on their own two legs.
So by listening to a few other previous releases along with this one, you can get an idea of how unique of a band this actually is and how they have what's more or less of their own stable sound.
And it's totally killer from beginning to end.
I miss music like this just because a lot of times these days music can be so formulated and so uptight in a way.
So it's relieving to hear some great songs by some loose rock bands that just give it their heart and I feel like we need a lot more of that in music.
With the release of the single, we wanted to have a sit-down with the guys to find out where this actually came from and what might be coming up next for them.
Here's what went down.
TSWS: Let's kick things off with "Hold A Grudge". This single had a killer attitude and came through like a fuzztone romp! Where did this track come from?
Well the sound and attitude that you're hearing now wasn't the first, second or third draft of the song. The original version was more theatrical and had a more dramatic vibe. We had a lot of feedback from our fans and music executives who got the chance to preview the song early back in 2021 and the majority said "needs less theatrics, add more fun".
So we played around with that idea and did exactly that!
We worked with a new producer - James Martin - who did absolutely amazing by getting all the sounds together and brought in our talented friend Harrison Crane to revise Bass and Lachlan added an extra guitar in the mix too. There's just so much more momentum in this version of the song and the energy just doesn't stop!
TSWS: When did this all start for you guys as a band?
Well, Mermaid Waters was just an Idea that I had while studying back in 2018. I started writing music that same year and reached out to my close friend Lachlan McKay and pitched him the idea of Mermaid Waters and he was on board straight away.
Lachlan and I met at a few gigs in 2016 when we were both working in other bands. We bumped into each other a lot during that time.We both got hired to do tribute shows in the same ensembles a few times and our Stage chemistry was just so much fun! I just knew if I needed a guitarist then he was the guy for the job!
Harrison and I met through Tafe. We were both drummers and equally as weird so a friendship between the two of us formed pretty quickly. In 2019 We found out that we were working in the same shopping centre and would bump into each other frequently and talk about music. One day in 2022 he told me he had been learning Bass a while back and I pitched him the idea of joining Mermaid Waters and he was eager to join the ensemble.
So I guess to summarise:Mermaid Waters was an Idea in 2018Started writing songs few a few yearsFormed Mermaid Waters as a Duo in 2021Mermaid Waters is now a Trio in 2023
TSWS: What inspires you to write a song?
We get inspired to write a song everyday at the strangest times. I'll be at work and make up a chorus and sing to my co workers... A riff will pop into my head at the supermarket and I'll start playing air... A groove will come into my head while driving and will play air drums in the car (which I do not advise) and when I get the chance then I'll record these ideas in my phone or in my notes.
I've got thousands of notes of just ideas and when I decide to sit down and make a song; I just pull a note out of a hat and play with the idea for a bit.
TSWS: This single has some great styles! Can you give us some of your top musical influences?
Oh golly, you're asking the hard questions now.... Errrr, umm...
I guess to give you the simple answer: Linkin Park, YUNGBLUD, Bring Me The Horizon, Refused, The Amity Affliction, Royal Blood, Smashing Pumpkins, Rage Against the Machine, Nothing,Nowhere.
Personally, I love a lot of artists and somethings about their music will influence me in various different ways. But the band generally takes influence from genres such as: Punk, Nu Metal, Rock, Pop Punk, Prog Rock, Indie... The list goes on.
TSWS: What are you doing when you're NOT working on music?
(Comical answer)
"Our daily lifestyles can only be considered as the most radical lifestyles known to man. We're out here changing the game and doing some gnarly-Xgames-level-trip-hop-
We're fine dining at the most exquisite banquets, rollin' in the paper with high class celebrities while two-steppin' on these balla ass lifestyles y'all be livin'...
and occasionally wallowing in self pity but What did you expect? We're rockstars. Also Amy Shark is right next to me and she says "Hi""
(Non comical answer)Our lives primarily consist of just work and trying to make everyday count... But that's boring. Please go with the top answer.
TSWS: Who's in your headphones right now?
Right now - we're currently listening to: Us, nothing,nowhere. Blink 182, Linkin Park, The Amity Affliction.As well as some of the gaming soundtracks from: Cyberpunk 2077, Doom, MXvsATV, Persona 5, just to name a few. We're big gamers too.
TSWS: Are you doing any live performances right now?
Mermaid Waters haven't never performed live. Liam, Lachlan and Harrison are currently performing in various other projects but Mermaid Waters has no opposition on performing in the future.
TSWS: This single feels like a big undertaking, is there any advice you'd give to other up and coming bands out there?
Absolutely - in my experience - bands fail when everyone tries to get what they want and everyone ends up pushing aside their relationship with their band mates and friends. It's not about me or you, it's about us...
There needs to be a leader and the leader has to look after their crew. The leader needs to be able to have a one on one relationship with the members too.Also remember that you are NOT IN CHARGE OF ALL THE INSTRUMENTS! Trust your members do their job.Look after your crew and your crew will look after you.
If you're just starting a band, remember that you are not equals but as superior as your instrument. You need your band members as much as they need you.
But your members are also people with lives outside of music. Respect that and respect their freedom.
L.A.Y.C (Pronounced LAKE)Look.After.Your.Crew
Aside from that - Set deadlines... And if you don't reach your deadline then just keep going!
TSWS: What can your fans expect from you in the near future?
Awesome Shit... You're gonna be seeing our faces on billboards and cereal boxes!
TSWS: Before we go, what would you like to say to fans of the music?
We've connected with heaps of fans around the world via DMs. We love getting to know you and your struggles and what keeps you fighting. Our DMs are always open, so let that shit out!
Don't forget to show us off to your friends and family!