Rae Chriss Delivers An Alternative Anthem

A fresh single from Rae Chriss is a fun and lively acoustic pop song that boasts plenty of soul and a little southern twang to go along with the artist's natural vocal swagger.
"Robots Don't Get High" is an absolute epic banger that hits all the sweet spots in terms of a progressive alternative rock opus.
The track kicks in a rocked out chorus that swings in from the acoustic backing and it grows and swells from a stripped down feel to a massive soundscape which really gives it this breathing and alive feeling.
This was like a radiohead song in a way. It has this bouncy rhythm but this deepening undertone that makes things not really melancholy, but almost existential.
Chriss's music does have plenty of emotional drive. That goes without question and you can hear that not only in this single but most of her other releases as well.
Her vocals have a unique vibrato and this becomes her staple. It's quite addicting as is her character as an artist.
She has a presence and a style that she taps into that is super infectious and lovable.
Lyricaly, she can be metaphoric but sometimes very straight forward. Always brutally honest. She wears her heart on her sleeves and it makes you love her more.
Her work bares a cinematic backbone and a certain charm when she want's to put that out there.
That's the thing. She falls into these different characters with her songs and it's awesome.
It all depends on her mood or struggle. Her state of mind.
We strongly suggest checking out plenty more after "Robots Don't Get high".