Stephen Foster Delivers A Wonderfully Warm Folk Album

A full album release from songwriter Stephen Foster delivers some gorgeous guitar performances and pretty engulfing storytelling that can, at times, get nice and personal along with an acoustic backbone but with a rock sheen that can be warming and familiar.
The Sharing Perils album is quite a full record that brings on a series of songwriting styles and approaches that differ little by little, but all have this flow that creates an atmosphere that seems almost like a concept album.
The songs do tell stories and have a great style to them that brings that contemporary rock style in spurts between some rustic folk tracks that just whisk you away and keep you floating just above ground.
Songs feel like lullabies and vocals harmonize in layers and swim around the air as it all creates a sort of depth that lets you fall into it without realizing it happened.
The songs are honest and detailed, emotionally driven and sometimes feel like someone telling you about diary entries or love letters written for someone.
That inner one on one feeling is always there. Even on the songs that are a bit edgier.
They can sway you. And this is part of what makes this record so addicting.
The fact that it can sway you.
So, we say, let Sharing Perlis sway you.