A New Single From The Animal Gang
A fresh rock banger released from The Animal Gang shines with a genuine classic southern rock delivery that really boasts a super deep groove and more soul than you can handle.
"Gimmie Love" is an instant classic and feels so comfortable and welcoming that it seems almost like you've been listening to it on the radio for years now.
The aesthetic is so nailed and perfected that it's completely authentic. The guitars wail and sway, the vocals have that great slightly raspy soulful style and the lead guitar work is really tastefully laid out.
This was a damn fine classic rock performance by all parts from drums to bass and everyone was just feeding off of each other's energies so well that it's almost intimidating.
A wonderful rock journey that takes you right along with it.
These guys really give it their all and you can really understand they have such a love for the craft that it's nuts.
There is nothing bit heart all over this single and it's like a real deal love letter to the genre from start to end.
This is the type of song that you wanna pop on your rock playlists next to Creedence or The Who. It's got that little bit of magic that helps it go the distance without a push. It's all a perfect and natural feeling.
This is the band you want to see live for sure. You can tell just by jamming on this track.
Check out "Gimmie Love".