The Horn Breaks Out An Indie-Rock Banger

A fresh single from The Horn takes a mysterious undertone and spins it into an indie-rock sound that keeps to this strangely cinematic tone with lush choruses, bouncing basslines, and a dance drum beat that really rolls out the path for the vocalist's subtle swagger that fits the song all too well.
"Passion" is a colorful track that keeps to this soft but edgy soundscape with these hooks that just feel really huge with vocals in the back and foreground.
The track has some killer guitar sections including this great breakdown / bridge section that has a delay effect and it bounces with the rhythm perfectly up to the explosion back into that chorus.
This track has a damn good vibe to it and it's easy to get caught up in it.
The Horn has this awesome cross of classic and new school styles of alt-pop and you can hear those garage rock influences in most of the tracks as well which is heavily incorporated with the guitar work.
There is always this cool delay and effect-riddled instrumentation that works for major parts of the songs with these guys and it can easily be called a staple sound of this band for sure.
There is something about how the vocalist can really change his character between songs as well.
Some tracks bring to mind a U2 influence musically and vocally but then other tracks like "Passion" has a totally different tonality and approach to it that sounds more straight indie-rock with colorful and stylish sheen.
Either way, these guys have a ton of fun with the music and really put songs together with an attention to detail but also with a fun looseness that makes them danceable and feel like a good track to pop on at a house party.
This band is Alt-pop at its best and it's great to hear it so current but also so classic at the same time. Well done!