A Haunting And Heavy New Single From The Rhubarb

A haunting new release from The Rhubarb brings out a fusion of massive guitar tones that rumble the ground beneath your feet, pulse pounding, earth-shattering drumming, deep rooted bass, and vocals that float atop like a ghost swimming through a sea of soundscape.
The release is a single called "Mist" and it comes forth with a blistering doom undertones cinematic and full-bodied approach that wraps itself around you and lets you get engulfed in it all. And guess what, it feels awesome to let that happen.
What's incredibly appealing about this song is just simply their style, they're way of taking textures of sound that are completely different from each other and melting them together seamlessly to create an atmosphere that feels like a whole different world you're stepping into.
That feeling is really cool. When the song is over you have to sort of snap yourself back into reality. You have to take a look around and shake it off like you just got back from a journey. And in a way you did because that's what this song does, it takes you on this massive journey.
And part of that is because the song sounds so vast and huge. It's got this anthemic and epic tonality to it that grabs hold of you and sort of shakes you about.
The haunting aspects are mainly from those vocals. It's the way that they bend and sway. They swell and breathe like a separate life form. Half the time it's like they're used as instruments themselves and it works.
The way everything comes together it feels like you get this hard-hitting backbone of deep crunchy trudging heaviness but you also get this beautiful and graceful feeling of swimming through it at the same time.
This is actually quite a gorgeous piece of work if you think about it. Just the way the dynamics that you feel like would clash become one.
So what is this exactly? Well, it's certainly heavy as hell but not in a traditional sense. The guitars and I think even the bass have this brutal distortion and the drums have that sort of classic alt rock tone, but the track bears something different. And it's in the character and the performance as well.
The song becomes cinematic and theatrical which is part of why like I said before, you have to wake up from it when it's done and recalibrate yourself.
In essence this song is sick. If you're into heavier music, a deeper alternative rock, or even progressive metal, then you're absolutely going to fall in love with The Rhubarb without question.
But you'll have to hear it for yourself to believe it. Trust me, it's worth your time.
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BC - Mist | The Rhubarb (bandcamp.com)
Milky Bomb Records: http://www.milkybombrecords.co.uk/