Your Best Nightmare Delivers A Brutally Honest Single

A new single from Your Best Nightmare delivers a driving single that bears a resemblance to classic songwriting from the 60s and 70s but with an added edginess and a lush character that lets you get attached really quickly.
"Promising Young Woman" really does hit that 1970s aesthetic so well it's crazy but it's also updated and refreshed so you have this progression and even instrumentation approach that feels familiar and welcoming but it's harder hitting and it has more gusto to it with a vast underbelly and a little hint of grittiness in there too.
I mean, the drums are just slamming toward the middle and end of the track and the vocals soar into melodies that you fall right in love with.
As soon as the track starts you have this organ riff along with twangy guitars and the drums are still giving it all this added drive right from the get-go.
Lyrically the song has a little bit of a haunt to it and this aggressive undertone lets you know that this track came from someplace genuine.
The level of honesty is so blunt and straightforward as she tells her story that it's almost intimidating but I think that's part of the point.
I love these organ breakdowns where the drums go to a half-time as a sort of post-chorus bridge.
This song is like a warning and that message is clear but it's done with so much persona that you just can't look away, and the way this track is composed and arranged on its own is just outstanding because it has such a forward-moving flow and hits all the sweet spots in just about 3 minutes.
This is the kind of song where there are not exactly layers to be peeled back.
She's right there in your face telling you exactly how it is and done with such a particular charm that you don't know if you're attracted to it or scared of it.
Really smartly performed with that same approach vocally so everything about this has the same Vibe and color to it between the lyrical writing and the performance of everything.
Another thing is that this track has a very particular energy that feels almost like it's a live performance.
It's just bursting out at you right from the start and that energy level is never weakened or slowed down.
As a matter of fact, it only gets a little bit bigger and more intense as the song plays on.
There's a lot of great attention to detail during this song but even with all of that it never loses that character that it was delivered with in the first place and that may be the most important aspect of it all.
As far as we can tell this is a single that's going to be on an upcoming release from Your Best Nightmare called Presents: A Simple Solution for Toxic Masculinity.
We're not sure when this is releasing but we're going to be keeping a close eye out for it because if there are more songs like this then it's going to be outstanding.
This track gets just about a 9 out of 10 hands down.
Everything about it has allure.