An Honest and Soulful Release From Zach Churchill

A fresh album release from Zach Churchill beckons an array of strong musical influences that bleed into each other in a particularly beautiful way as songs reach down deep and spark memories and emotionally driven imagery.
The Heartbreak & Hope record is a gorgeous and personal set of songs that set places in someone's life and seem to really run into each other almost like a concept album would.
And perhaps that's exactly what this is. It certainly seems that way.
These tracks are up close and hold little back in the way of lyrical content and emotional draw with wonderfully passionate performances vocally especially.
Some of the record is lush with string sections and all work from a storytelling standpoint.
The record is constantly changing pace which is refreshing and does indeed bring the funk jive classic rock feels that must have inspired some of this to fruition.
There are plenty of surprises that pop up everywhere and most of the choruses are additive as hell.
The songs stick in your brain for days on end and can at times bring on a sort of Jeff Buckley undertone that just feels raw and real.
This is part of what makes the record so attractive to begin with.
From the very first song, you get attached and want more. You want to hear more and know more.
It's a rare quality for an album to have these days but Churchill pulls it off without a hitch.
Guitars are riddled throughout the album and are always performed with a tastefulness that fits just right.
This is a big album and a journey to take in one giant shot so we say, have a seat and jump right in.